Tuesday, March 16, 2010

5 minutes of your life you're never getting back...

Did you know that you can blog from your Black Berry? I did not. I'm doing so right now to test it out. This is a completely useless post given that I am currently sitting in front of a computer.

I don't think I'll be blogging from the Berry... Too many typos and it's annoying. Sorry if you read this. That is 5 minutes of your life you are never going to get back.


  1. The joke's on you. It only took me about 30 seconds to read it. HA!

  2. Haha.. I realized after I posted this that 5 minutes was very very generous... well.. I guess for the slow readers out there.. haha.

  3. I'm not a slow reader! I'm not a slow reader! :-)

    I wonder if you can blog from your iphone. Granted I don't have one, but I will some day!

    Blogging from your phone is totally awesome. You never know when you need to share a fashion faux pas...or a great meal!

  4. Amber.. that is what Facebook and Twitter are for! ;)
