Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 30: The End

I've reached Day 30 of this photo project and I have enjoyed thinking up photos to post daily.
Thirty days does not seem very long, but when I think about when I first started this project and today, a lot has happened and a lot has changed. Some of the changes have been good, some I'm not so sure about, but I like to think change is overall good.

The great news is the semester is over and I no longer have classes to attend. For the first time since I started grad school so many semesters ago, I see an end. I'm thrilled but I'm also a little sad about it.

Now that I'm not in school, I am left with more free time than I expected and I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself, I even sorted through stacks and stacks of mail. I no longer have a good excuse to put off cleaning or organizing.

I'm hoping this stack of magazines and my Netflix queue will hold me over for a while.

(That Rolling Stone Magazine is from May.)

I know what you're thinking. I need to either a.) get a boyfriend b.) more friends or c.) get a pet. At least that's what I would I think if I saw this post on someone else's blog.

(p.s. I actually took longer than 30 days to complete this project due to my slacking off, but that's just a minor detail.)


  1. I don't remember you saying 30 CONSECUTIVE days. That's how I'm playing this game.

  2. I agree with SD. Also...the angle of this photo kind of freaks me out.

  3. Hey we should go have lunch or dinner. I haven't seen you and Virg in forever.
