Saturday, October 8, 2011

Plant-based Diet Days ???

I am going to erase this past week because I cheated. I cheated like the way Don Draper cheats on his wife.

I have gained back some of the weight I lost while I was on the plant-based diet. The good news is that even in the short amount of time I have adopted the plant-based diet, I feel like I have conditioned myself to stock my pantry and fridge with healthier options. When I grocery shop, I do not buy any meat, eggs or cheese. I also try to buy oil-free products. Eating plant-based only foods at home is easy. I cheat when I am out. This past week, there was catered food in my office (breakfast and lunch) everyday. When I walk into the office (hungry because I am always starving in the morning) and the first thing I smell is bacon and eggs, I just cannot resist.

Anyway, on this Saturday night, I am sitting on the floor (which I like to do), laptop in front of me, have my scented candles lit up, drinking a chocolate strawberry smoothie while watching a movie about Amanda Knox on the Lifetime Movie Network (I have a strange relationship with this channel. I hate them, they hate women, but yet, I think we need each other).

Here's a quickie smoothie I like to treat myself post-workout (except tonight I skipped the work out)

What you'll need:


A handfull of frozen strawberries, Chocolate Almond Milk and an immersion blender.

Pour in about a cup and  half of the almond milk (or however much you want depending on your desired consistency. I like to start with a little bit first), then blend away.


It kind of has this purple-y color that may turn you off but it is delicious and refreshing.

1 comment:

  1. Your smoothie looks amazing! I wish I liked chocolate milk.
