Friday, November 18, 2011

lessons from television

The following are some of the things that creators of t.v. shows want me to think.
They are organized by show.

There are more serial killers, stalkers, violent creeps and rapists in Miami than any other place on the planet. Think about how many bad guys Dexter has killed.

Any woman will drop her panties for a good looking rich actor like Vincent Chase. I mean any woman. Even the smartest, most attractive woman who once dated some important financial director will marry someone who is a super star even though he hangs out with guys named Turtle.

Sons of Anarchy
It's ok to wear leather chaps and vest past the age of 50 as long as you are in a bike gang.

Boardwalk Empire
Women want to bang Steve Buscemi

Project Runway
If you were once a beauty queen and people like you, you can win even though you don't know how to sew and so all your clothes are practically tents and sheets. Yes. I am still bitter about that.

I'll share more when I they come to mind.


  1. You are very wise O'Sarah.

  2. A few things. 1.True re Dexter. 2. Why does everyone want to hate turtle? 3. It is not ok to wear leather chaps and vest if you are under 50. 4. Women get paid to bang Nucky Thompson. Some women probably do want bang Steve Buschemi, remember Fargo?

  3. 1. I think it's the hot muggy weather. Brings out the crazies.
    2. Vinny doesn't have to be rich for women to drop their panties.
    3. I don't want to picture any of the dudes from SOA in chaps. Question- are all chaps worn without pants?
    4. I refuse to believe that.
    5. It's Mondo all over again.
