Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ten things i want to nail in my thirties

Nope, not nail as in sex (that would make me a Paraphilia), but nail as in execute well… duh.

1.) Money
I want to be really good at saving money and spending money. I know some people say you’re suppose to have this part already nailed by the time you’re 30-years-old, but those people can suck it. They probably didn’t enjoy living it up in during their twenties courtesy of the credit card.

2.) Relationships
I want to be good at having all types of relationships whether they are romantic relationships, friendships or business. As I approach my thirties I want to make good choices about the people I let in my life and keep around. I also I want to nail being a good friend, girlfriend/wife, and colleague. As I get older I find myself no longer needing a lot of people in my life, only a select few. All relationships require some work and I want to be great at determining what relationships are worth working to keep and which ones I am ok with letting go.

3.) Meeting new people
Because you know, it’s always good to meet new people. I don’t mean meet a lot of people (check #2), but it never hurts to have choices.

4.) Stop being sorry for things that are not actually my fault
I recently read an article that inspired this post called 30 things you should know or have done when you're 30 and I ripped this off that list because I like this one.

5.) Letting go of things you can’t control
Be nonchalant, c’est la vie and all that sh*t.

6.) Being healthy
Eat healthier, exercise more, take better care of my skin and all that jazz.

7.) Being comfortable in my own skin
This means not care if I'm wearing uncool sensible shoes at Coachella (also stop going to Coachella and other music festivals with sweaty twenty-somethings).

8.) Being witty
I don’t know if this is something you get better at or something you’re just born with but it doesn’t hurt to try. We’re setting high goals for ourselves in our thirties.

9.) Being chic
Forget the trendy twenties, I want to become good at being classic and chic when I’m in my thirties. If I add chic on top of numbers 1-8 and I figure I’m golden.

10.) Being a better human being overall… being awesome
Be more compassionate and act on it.

If you happen to like my list and you're in your thirties, let's nail this list together. 


  1. Since I've already nailed all but #1 in just the first 2 years of my 30's I'm here to help.


    I love this list! I totally agree with #2. A few really good friends is so much better than many sorta friends.

  3. I was going to comment on each one of your items, but most of them were the same comment how as you get older most of these will just come naturally. Except for maybe #1...that's never that easy.
