Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bikes, bikes and more bikes

I'm just bloggin' like Mo'Fo'... that's because I have sitting in front of my laptop a lot lately trying to motivate myself to work on my research project.

Here's a couple of photos I took from this Rat Bike Rodeo I went to. There were some pretty kick-ass bikes that people built themselves or customized, etc. The Rat Bike culture is very much Rock-a-Billy meets Low-Rider drivers. There really is no other way of explaining it. I think I might be too square or straight-edge for this group of people, but it was a fun event and the people were cool.

Cruisers galore! There were classic Schwinn cruisers everywhere.

This one is similar to my Schwinn. I love this bike, minus the streamers and the flowers on the baskets. A little too girly for me.

I really liked this bike because it was old and rusty, which I thought was pretty cool compared to all of the shiny new bikes.

Two things I am thinking about getting for my bike: The Schwinn two-toned "S" Seat (pictured on the green bike) and a little license plate (pictured on the red bike).

Here is something strange and cool. The seat of this bike is an upside down shovel. I can't imagine it would be comfortable to ride.

This was my most favorite thing at the rodeo. This old rusty bell. I love it. I want it. I just put a retro-style bell on my bike, but it is not nearly this cool.

Check out Rat Rod Bikes ( ) to view more photos of rat bikes. I am more into the cutesy girly type bikes, but the rat rods are quite impressive.


  1. Are you a biker chick now?

  2. Hooray for rusty old bikes. That green bike in your last photo is currently for sale on craigslist. It is apparently a 1946 model.

  3. What a cool event, and even cooler photos! I want an 'A' seat and some streamers. Time to start working on my Christmas list!
