Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 6: Travis

Before I begin to explain the significance of this photo, I would first like to make clear that I am not a creeper, obsessed or a stalker.

This is Travis. He is infamous. He doesn't know me, but I know of him. He is a bar tender at this really cool 1930s themed bar called The Shady Lady. Travis is my friend "A's" neighbor and according to my friend, Travis gets laid A LOT. He has cost A many sleepless nights. No, she's not partaking in any of the action, she just happens to share a wall with him.

Out of all of the times my group of friends have spent at A's house, we never saw Travis -- not even a glimpse. He was elusive. Some of us (in a drunken state) have even blurted out his name at the bar where he works not knowing what he looked like or whether or not he was even there. Months passed and still no Travis sighting. Who was the man behind all this bed rocking? We were curious. Well, I eventually saw him this one day I decided to go to lunch at A's house and never went back to work.

Here he is last night in a different kind action at The Shady Lady where I enjoyed my favorite drink from that bar, the Hemingway Daiquiri. I know some of you might think Ernest Hemingway is a douche, but I think he's alright. Don't be such a hater.


  1. That's the famous Travis? I have to admit seeing him is a little bit of a let down. I think I had him built up in my mind to be so much better than he really is and now I'm disappointed. I expected so much more. I pictured a Ryan Reynolds-Justin Timberlake lothario that would make my knees go weak. Instead I'm left feeling underwhelmed. Like I presume I would feel if I ever caved and saw Avatar.

  2. I LOVE this stalker photo...admit is a stalker photo! This is by far your best photo of the day. Your next challenge will be to top it!

  3. Hemingway is a douche. And Avatar is really stupid. Ahhh. I love being able to contribute to a conversation.
