Sunday, February 26, 2012

i sold my soul

Remember just 5 days ago how I was like, "I quit Facebook?" As it turns out, I have sold my soul to Zuckerberg. I registered for StyleMint and JewelMint a while back (it's a website where you earn credits when you buy something and use your credits to buy more, etc.) and I apparently used my Facebook account to register. In order for me to redeem my credits, I had to use my Facebook login which activated my account. Yes, that seems like an excuse. I can redeem my points, cancel the subscription, deactivate and start all over again but that just seems like too much trouble.

I have seen this option a lot more lately where you can register with your Facebook account or you can sign up separately. I always chose the Facebook option because I don't want to bother with filling out the online form and wait for a confirmation email, etc. blah blah blah. Something just occurred to me that has been so obvious all along, is that this is how Facebook is rooting itself into my life like a weed. Those evil genius SOBs.

p.s. I deleted the Facebook app from my phone to save myself from myself. I have a feeling even Facebook will win that fight with myself eventually.


  1. Ew. Why did you have to use that picture?

  2. Because that is the guy who owns us.

  3. It looks like the poster for 40 year old virgin.

  4. That is the gayest photo I have EVER seen of Zuckdog!

  5. He runs the world. I deleted my FB app too... but FB is still calling out to me!!! AHHHHHH
