Thursday, July 10, 2014

in a rut: upgrade you[rself]

I AM IN A RUT. These are words spoken by people privileged enough to have “first world problems” and actually believe it is a true problem*, so I am of course speaking about myself. My life feels monotone, repetitive and uninspired. I feel as if I am passing through life quickly on board a very boring amusement park ride. To make my life a little more interesting, I seriously considered going to a public place like a park or a coffee shop for an hour every day, observe everyone and everything around me and write down what I see. I figure I might be inspired to write something entertaining, more entertaining than this crap post about being bored with my life.

I was having a lot more fun, say, three years ago, but doing the things I did three years ago would not get me out of this rut, obviously by the very definition of being “in a rut.” I am in a rut in all aspects of my life –my health, my mind, my work and my social life. My typical approach to this problem is to pacify it with shopping for new clothes or leaving town for a few days, but those are temporary fixes and what I need is a long term solution –one that will keep me satisfied for at least six months.

So, like with all problems I try to solve in my life, I looked to the Internet and typed the words, “how to get out of a rut” in the search box. I received hundreds of search returns, mostly in the form of lists, from hippie and Buddhist blogs to recommendations from self-help Queen herself, Oprah. After carefully searching through copious sites (well for about two minutes) I settled with Life Hack:

Upgrade yourself. Take the down time to upgrade yourself. Go to a seminar. Read up on new materials (#7). Pick up a new language. Or any of the 42 ways here to improve yourself. The modern computer uses different typefaces because Steve Jobs dropped in on a calligraphy class back in college. How’s that for inspiration?

I picked this one because it’s one that would likely yield a long term solution and there’s a list of different ways to improve myself. I know what you’re thinking, I’m already perfect as is, but there’s always room for improvement. I’m not going to do everything on the list, because let’s be real, there’s no way I’m giving up television or hiring a life coach because that is just sad.

Here are my top ten (for the full list from Life Hack

1. Read a book every day

I’m going to change this to read a book every week (or two). There’s no way I can read a book a day. I consider myself a fast reader, but come on, this would require me to never watch TV and that’s just ludicrous.

2. Learn a new language

For years, I have been saying that I could probably pick up Tagalog really quickly (my birth language which I have forgotten but can still understand) and I’m finally going to put that theory to the test.

3. Pick up a new hobby

I initially thought I’d take a cooking class but cooking would not be considered a new hobby. I have decided I would like to be more “outdoorsy” so I’m leaning towards hiking (well more like nature walks. My body is not equipped for some hardcore 10 mile-potential-death-situation hikes).

4. Take up a new course

Since I stopped going to grad school, my brain hasn’t been getting much exercise. Instead, it is getting fatter (like my physical body) by getting sucked into YouTube and Instagram wormholes of the Kardashians and celebrity haircuts.

5. Wake up early (5 or 6 a.m.)

Apparently this is suppose to make you more productive. I have a very hard time waking up early and I would like to try – at least for a week and I’m going to count this item checked off.

6. Have a weekly exercise routine

Nothing particularly new and will try for a daily routing or five times a week.

7. Get out of your comfort zone

Everyone knows that the only way to grow is to do something outside of your comfort zone.

8. Start a blog about personal development

Done and done.

9. Set Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs)

Pay off a credit card and save enough money for a big trip (no use of credit card!). Short weekend trips don’t count. Money and managing money is something I have been struggling with since I could spend money.

10. Learn chess (or any strategy game)

Because maybe it’ll make me smarter and will give me powers of mind control, muahaha.

Now that I have typed out this list, the task seems daunting. I am going to give myself six months.

*We in the first world are lucky to have enough time on our hands to get bored with our lives, mull over it and write blog posts about it instead of you know, having to occupy our time trying to find food or stay alive from predatory animals or terrorists or some other fucked up shit.



1 comment:

  1. I like the ideas here. I've wanted to learn Spanish for a long time. I think you should come back here and post your progress every week. That might keep you motivated
