Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Late night lessons

Do not take naps after work or in the early evening because you will be up at odd hours blogging about nothing.
However, I did just learn from Jimmy Fallon's monologue that a new study shows that the best cure for a hangover is aspirin and coffee. Awesome, I am addicted to coffee and aspirin (well mostly ibuprofen).

Here are some photos from my wonderful weekend. I spent Saturday bike riding with friends and hit up the Auto Museum.

I had to take a photo of this lamborghini countach because the inside seats were gold. Yep, this car is pretty ridiculous. I am not a car person, but I suppose if I were, I would appreciate this car and not be distracted by the tackiness of it.

The museum also had this very cute 1960s car for sale for only 10k!

I think it would be pretty cool driving around in a classic car.

- Brought to you by Sarah from my iPad while possibly consuming a libation.


  1. I knew you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

  2. I love the classics! Now if only I could afford one! =()
    Kristina J.
