Monday, February 10, 2014

For 2014

Every once in a while I like to give myself a check-up and examine where I am in life. Since we are still early in the year, I have to get this out of my system.

I am going going to be 32.
I am still single.
I weigh more today than I have in the last two years (ugh).
I am in an ok place career-wise but would like to be further along or open to something new.
I am not where I want to be financially.
I am in a good state emotionally and mentally, better than a year ago.

I did a lot of self-reflecting in 2013. The year consisted of joy, heartbreak, financial challenges and unexpected losses, all of which played a critical role in shaping my outlook for this year.

I am becoming increasingly aware that I am getting older and my child-bearing years are limited. I would someday like to have a family or at least have the chance to attempt at having one. Although I am pretty satisfied with my current single state, I also no longer have the luxury of having plenty of time later on as "later on" is getting much closer if it's not now.

There are plenty of things I dream of doing that I could not do with a family or as an old person, so again, time is working against me.

It's only going to get more difficult to try to get in better physical shape.

Because of time, my lack of resources and fhe fragility of life, this will be the year I am more thoughtful with my time, my money and to keep things in  larger perspective.

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