Wednesday, August 27, 2014

pent up snark

I noticed my last post was about me "bettering" myself and digging myself out of a rut, blah blah blah. I don't have an update because I have more pressing matters to blog about.

If you know me and have read this blog, I often express my disdain for social media yet I am fully immersed in it making me a walking contradiction. In the past, I posted multiple Facebook updates and comments that were complaints mostly about what I think to be people's stupidity. In the last two or three years I am becoming less engaged in Facebook mainly because I've simply lost interest. If someone's Facebook update is longer than three sentences and those three sentences don't grab me, I move on. If someone's status update is crypitc I don't bother trying to figure it out even if it's implying they're sad (ain't nobody got time for that). Since Google discountinued Reader (which I miss dearly), Facebook is now my repository of all things I like to read throughout the day (i.e. news stories, fashion stuff, entertainment, celebrity gossip and weird news) but no matter how hard I try, people still annoy me but I've kept it to myself. I try my best not to be snarky on social media because I know I have an inner mean girl that every now and then is dying to come out. I think I've been pretty good about it, but, as a result I have a lot of pent up snark that I have to get off my chest even if no one ever reads this.

To the people who write cryptic updates
Say what you need to say or don't say anything at all. If you are trying to throw "shade" at someone get some f*cking balls and tell them directly.

If you want us all to think you're life is more exciting by implying something you're doing without actually saying it, do yourself and us a favor because no one wants to figure out what you're being so mysterious about (a secret lover, an affair, drugs?). Not saying anything at all makes you more mysterious if that's your goal. I know this because I am most curious about people who hardly post and those who don't post anything personal.

To the people who post their wives and husbands as their "Man Crush Mondays (MCM)" or "Woman Crush Wednesday (WCW)"
First of all, the idea of MCM and WCW is so stupid and I'm embarassed to have such a strong opinion about something so ridiculous, but I can't help myself.

Yes we know your wife/husband is your crush assuming that's why you married them or are dating them. The point is to pick someone you have a "crush" on that you actually can't get like a celebrity or someone completely out of your league. You are completely missing the point of the game (exercise, thing? I don't even know what the hell to call it). I'm sure your significant other won't leave you for not posting them as your MCM or WCW and if they do, you're with someone who doesn't understand jokes or the point of games and you're better off withtout them.

To the people who say blanket statements and have strong opinions but is also uninformed at the same time
Yes, we are all entitled to our own opinion, but if you're opinion is based off of one blog you read or one article you read, you're opinion is stupid and you sound stupid so do yourself a favor and shut up. There are people who don't know things because of their circumstance, that I understand but if you have a computer infront of you every day and have millions of information at your fingertips, how is it that you still choose to be ignorant of what is going on around you. No, you don't have to truly care about what's happening in Syria or Furgeson but at least know it's happening.

To the people who are freaking out about the ebola outbreak
If you are in a developed country and don't intend on traveling to West Africa, please shut up about your paranoia. Unless you are intending to have sex, make out or lick an infected person, monkey or bat, I'm sure you'll be fine. If you are so concerned with the ebola outbreak, do something to help fight it because the efforts could use a lot of help so please donate to the various organizations (Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, Samaritan's Purse) rather than sounding like a moron on social media complaining about letting the TWO ebola infected American patients back into the US. Those people are heroes.

To the people who complain about other people's status updates
If you're so annoyed by them, why read their posts? Hide or unfriend them, or be like me and hold it all in then write a long blogpost about it like a crazy person with no life. At least you'll avoid the drama!

Ok, I'm done. Whew! That felt good.


  1. Why do I feel you tagging me for the Ice Bucket Challenge should be referenced here somewhere?

    1. You can put that in your own blog of complaints. I liked this exercise so much I just might make this my blog of pent up rage, snark and annoyances.
